Sadly, that does not mean their troubles are over. Thanks to your help, the Atchisons are in control of Rail Nomad and no longer have the Topekans to blame for their troubles. In addition to saving Ag Center, your thorough cleansing of Knottsburg, the Shiitake Mushroom Farms, and Stubbin's Farm, has spared the wasteland any further outbreaks of mutant plant and insect growth, and the citizens of those communities remain firm supporters of the desert rangers. Meanwhile, Rose, who despite her synthetic arm and heart was not taken over by the AI because you stopped it from broadcasting outside of Ranger Citadel, has been experimenting on the remains of the deadly exploding seed pods, and is getting very close to developing an organic hand grenade.Ĭonditions: Save AG center, cleanse the three locations Even Kathy feels more kindly to the Rangers these days.Ĭonditions: Save Rose, don't take her to LA Indeed, Matt is so grateful that he has given the Rangers an additional discount on the produce he delivers to the Rangers. There is still much rebuilding to be done, but because of you no one is going hungry, and the future of farming in Arizona is looking brighter every day. Thanks to your timely internvention, Ag Center is recovering from the outbreak of mutant plant and insect growth that threatened to destroy it, and is once again distributing much needed fresh produce to communities across Arizona.

Until they find one, they have set up a temporary headquarters at the site of Ace's murder, using the radio tower there as their means of communication, and have ironically dubbed the place the new Ranger Citadel.Ĭonditions: Save AG center instead of highpool Unfortunately, the explosion has also made Ranger Citadel an uninhabitable irradiated hell-pit for the next few centuries, which means the Desert Rangers are once again looking for a new home. The AI's robotic future has been prevented. Setting off Min's cobbled-together nuke inside Ranger Citadel destroyed the Ai and all its minions, and prevented its source code from broadcasting and propagating to other computers, robots and augmented humans. You have saved the world - or at least this small piece of it. The ending slide for the rangers states that your choice denuded them of their best and their finest, which is a serious setback for the Wasteland rangers.

Select "Adios" or have a living Mad Monk or Honorable Chieftain Kekkebah following you at the final dialogue selection.Invasion from the West takes over the region.